We can make most hydraulic hoses while you wait

Your time is worth money and when a hose fails stopping your job you need it fixed fast. We understand that you don't have time to wait for special order parts. Because of this we stock over 4500 different fittings and adapters. Between our large inventory and our ability to fabricate custom fittings in house, we can fix most hoses while you wait at a price that's typically less. Don't waste time running around trying to find someone who stocks it and don't pay ridiculous dealer pricing.

  • High pressure custom hydraulic hoses
  • Custom DOT certified brake lines
  • Pressure washer lines and fittings
  • High and low pressure AC lines
  • Custom Industrial Lines
  • Nick Wagner

    Nick comes from a small engine builder background. He then transitioned to building turbochargers, and now runs our hose shop. His previous experience in a wide range of fields helps him to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions for challenging problems.